Queen's House

Twilight Retreat

Worthy Sir Knights:

Lent is fast approaching and D’Arcy McGee Assembly 1065 is trying to do their part in Facilitating the efforts of brother Sir Knights with their Lenten observance.

With that in mind, we are hosting a Twilight Retreat:
DATE:   Thursday, March 03/2022
TIME:   7:00 pm
PLACE:  Queen’s House Retreat & Renewal Centre (Chapel)

Fr. Emmanuel Mbah will be celebrating MASS at 7:00 P.M. with us, then he will give a small reflection after MASS, then coffee and fellowship.

I invite all Sir Knights and their spouse and family to join us for this twilight retreat. As per usual, social distance and masks are still required at this time.

God, Bless You All.

Adrien Piche
Faithful Navigator
D’Arcy McGee Assembly              

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