4th Degree Emblem

Faithful Navigator’s Message – April 2022

Worthy Sir Knights:

   As we move into April and prepare for the great celebration of Easter,  I would encourage all Sir Knights to pledge to be grateful for all the blessings which the Lord has lavished in our lives. Easter brings to all of us new life, renewed hope in our salvation, anticipation that God continues to be present among us as He promised, and the joy of living out that call to be His sons and daughters trusting in His providence that He is in charge of all that surrounds us and occurs to us.

   We just had the Yearly Master’s meeting held at Queen’s House of Retreat here in Saskatoon, we had 22 members join us physically and 21 members join us on the Zoom platform from Saskatchewan. We also had 2 priests at the Masters’ meeting exemplified into the 4th degree into D’Arcy McGee Assembly that same day. The Master, Chris Bencharski spoke about the mindset that he wants us to adopt to be more Patriotic in our demeanour and our actions in serving our God and country.

   There were members of the 4th degree from 2 assemblies here in Saskatoon who travelled to Regina earlier this month as well to attend the Spiritual Enrichment conference held there. We were all blessed by the message “Rekindle the Flame” delivered by the speakers from Bishop Budka council # 5914.

  Our April business meeting is the time when a new slate of officers is to be presented. Elections will take place at our May business meeting. Every member should pray and discern if he can serve in any position. Please consider saying “yes” to the opportunity to serve your brother Knights in this capacity.

  I continue to encourage as many Sir Knights as possible to purchase the NEW Regalia. There are not many of us who have done so and it has become of concern because as 4th-degree members pass away, and there will be many in the next few years, the families are requesting 4th-degree honour guard at their funerals because of their long-standing membership and they have every right to do so, it may be impossible for us to comply because of the shortage of S/K who have the regalia. That is my estimation would be discouraging and insensitive towards the families who have stood by their father, or spouse all these years.

  I want to thank all Sir Knights who have kept their dues current for this Columbian year and I want to encourage those few who have not to bring their account up to date. Our worthy Faithful Comptroller has done a very good and thorough job in sending timely reminders to all of our members.

  In the end let’s be brave and courageous in our endeavours to fulfill our obligation to the Lord Jesus, to the order and the 4th degree in particular.

God Bless each of you and your families.

Vivat Jesus

Adrien Piche
Adrien Piche

S/K Adrien Piche, F.N, FDD # 25, PGK, State Faith Director

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